Kendale Elementary School
Miami, Florida

An In-Class Field Trip

Led by Science Eye with the participation of
Ms. Homan's 4th & 5th Grade Classes

Journal prepared by: Alicia Bailey


Owl Pellet Sleuths

Owl Pellet Sleuths
By: Jorge Martinez, Anthony Kim, Matthew Romano, and Jheanell Bailey

During our in-house field trip called Everglades Reach we participated at a center named owl Pellets Sleuths. The materials we used at thsi center were tweezers, magnifying glasses, diagrams, and owl pellets. Owl pellets are small balls of regurgitated bones and fur from an owl's meal. The rest of the meal from the owl's prey is digested. We used the tweezers and magnifying glasses to help pick out the bones from the owl's meal in order to identify what the owl ate. We found out that owls eat a variety of rodents and small birds. Our group really enjoyed this center and we learned a lot about an owl's food.
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