Kendale Elementary School
Miami, Florida
An In-Class Field Trip
Led by Science Eye with the participation of
Ms. Homan's 4th & 5th Grade Classes
Journal prepared by: Eric Barndollar
Gator Glance
By: Bryan Selent, Amy Andollo, and Tyler Stevens
During our in-house field trip called Everglades Reach we rotated to a center named
Gator Glance. At this center the materials we used were: a gator skull, a turtle
skeleton, the carapace (top) and the plastron (bottom) of a turtle and a measuring tape
with which to measure the turtle shell. At Gator Glance we learned that if someone
measures a gator's head or skull from the very tip of the nose to the bridge of the eyes, the
measured inches is turned into feet and that tells the length of the gator. We also counted
the teeth of a gator and found out they have 80 teeth. Another activity we participated in
was restoring a broken's shell then measuring the shell.