Kendale Elementary School
Miami, Florida

An In-Class Field Trip

Led by Science Eye with the participation of
Ms. Homan's 4th & 5th Grade Classes

Journal prepared by: Natalie Sanchez


Lettuce Litter

Lettuce Litter
By: Christina Carracedo

On January 23, 1997, Science Eye brought a program to Kendale Elementary called Everglades Reach. In the Everglades Reach there were six centers. In the following paragraph I will tell you about one of the centers called Lettuce Litter. The Science Eye brought the following materials for this center: a bucket of lettuce roots filled with tiny critters, a bucket of water, and tiny cups. When you and your group reached this center one person would take a lettuce root, shake it over the bucket of water therefore all the critters fell into the bucket. Then with the tiny cups you would scoop out the creatures to observe them. The critters all the groups found where: small fish, a dragonfly nymph, water bugs, shrimp, and a leech! In this station you learn all about how many different critters live in only one place, and that we should protect our environment whether it's a tree of a lettuce root!
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