Kendale Elementary School
Miami, Florida

An In-Class Field Trip

Led by Science Eye with the participation of
Ms. Homan's 4th & 5th Grade Classes

Journal prepared by: Natalie Sanchez


Peat Ponderings

Peat Ponderings

In the afternoon of January 23, 1997, the fifth grade Quest and A.E.P students had a program called Everglades Reach. There were many hands-on activities. One of them was Peat ponderings. We learned about the aquifer. We got to smell and touch peat [muck]. The students got to feel cattail. They observed the teeth of sawgrass. They placed viengar on limestone to see what happens when acid rain falls on limestone. We learned that it is important to take care of our Everglades. That is what we did in Peat Ponderings in the Everglades program.
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