
Everglades Biographies

Ion L. Farris

Ion L. Farris was a Democratic candidate in Florida's 1916 gubernatorial race. Farris was supported in his candidacy by James M. Carson. Farris ran with the "Back to Broward" campaign slogan, supporting large scale drainage of the Everglades and development of the new lands. Farris lost in the primary, but he did publicize the drainage matter, forcing the other candidates to address the issue.

Biography prepared by Ruthanne Vogel, University of Miami

Excerpt from essay by Ion Farris, 1916.

"I shall, if it is within my power, see that some of the land in the Everglades -- as large a tract as possible -- is drained and reclaimed completely, and at once. This is utterly necessary in order that public confidence in Florida and elsewhere shall be reestablished and the effect of all the unfavorable publicity which Florida has received on account of mismanagement of Everglades affairs counteracted so far as that be possible."


Newspaper photo of Judge Farris

Photograph of Judge Farris printed in Times-Union, March 19, 1916.

Photo courtesy of University of Miami Libraries, James M Carson Papers


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