Everglades Bibliography

Compiled by: Florence Berea

While a librarian at Florida State University, 1950

As Ms. Berea noted in her introduction to this bibliography, starred items (*) are those references which have only one or two chapters on the Everglades. The specific paging of the chapter references has been omitted. For explanations of other notations, please see the Forward.


*Barbour, T. That Vanishing Eden, a Naturalist's Florida. Boston, Little, Brown, 1944. 250 p. il.

Bellamy, J. "The Everglades National Park Unlike Anything Else in the World". (In the Fla. Handbook 1949-1950; compiled by Allen Morris. Tallahassee, Fla, Peninsular Publishing Co., c. 1949, p. 178-81. il.)

Bellamy, J. "Taming the Everglades; a Report on Water Control". (Miami, Fla.) Miami Herald, (1949) (14p) il.

Bessey, E.A. "The Hammocks and Everglades of Southern Florida". Plant World 14: 268-76, N 1911.

Bitting, C.R. Report on the Everglades and Contiguous Areas. Clewiston, Fla., F 26, 1943. 76p. il. maps.

Brookfield, C.M. and Griswold, O. They All Called It Tropical; True Tales of the Romantic Everglades National Park... (Miami, Fla., The Data Press, c. 1949) 77 p. il. map.

(Brooks, A.M.) Petals Plucked from Sunny Climes, by Silvia Sunshine (pseud) 2nd ed., Nashville, Tenn.., Southern Methodist Publishing House, 1885. 495p. il. maps.

Brown, A. H. "Haunting Heart of the Everglades". National Geographic Magazine 93: 145-73, F 1948. il. map.

Coe, E.F. "Some Interesting Facts about the Florida Everglades, Most Recent Candidate for National Park Recognition". American Forests 35: 159-62, Mr. 1929. il.

Davis, J.H. and Elvone, J.T. "Florida Everglades; abstracts". Geographical Review 34: 486-7, Jl 1944.

*Dimock, A.W. and Dimock, J.A. Florida Enchantments...with numerous illustrations from photographs. N.Y., The Outing Publishing Co., 1908. 3 p.1, v-x 318p. il.

Dix, E.A. and MacGonigle, J.N. "Everglades of Florida; a Region of Mystery". Century OS 47: 512-27; N.S. 69: 512-27, 1905. il. map.

Douglas, M.S. The Everglades: River of Grass. N.Y., Rhinehart. c.1947. 406p. il. map. (Rivers of America series) bibliog. p.391-98.

Dovell, J.E. "Brief History of the Florida Everglades". Soil Science Society of Fla., Proceedings IV-A: 132-61, 1942. il. bibliog.f.

Dovell, J.E. "The Everglades: Florida's Frontier". Agricultural History 22: 187-97, Jl 1948; same in Economic Leaflets (U. of Fla.) pt.1, 6: (1-4). Ap 1947, pt. 2, 6: (1-4) My 1947. map.

Elvone, J.T. "Florida Everglades, A Region of New Settlement". J. of Land & Public Utility Economics 19: 464-9, N 1943.

"The Everglades". Manufacturers Record 114: 51, 64, Ap 1945.

Everglades of Florida: Acts, Reports, and Other Papers, State and National, Relating to the Everglades of the State of Florida and Their Reclamation. Washington Printing Off. 1911. 208p. il. map. (62nd Congress, 1st session, Senate Document 89) (Submitted to the Committee on Printing by Hon. D. U. Fletcher, U.S. Senator from Fla.)

(The Florida Everglades--Sawgrass and Seminole) - Stories of Florida for Use in Public Schools...sponsored by Fla. Dept. of Public Instruction. Compiled by Workers of the Writers' Program of the Work Projects Administration of Fla. 1940. 30p. (mimeographed)

Florida Writers' Project, Work Projects Administration."Florida Everglades". Fla. Highways 9; 8-9, 33-9, Jl 1941 (pt. 1); 9:28-9, Ag 1941 (pt. 2) il.

Floyd, J.D. "Magic Farms of the Everglades". Travel 68: 25-7, 49, Ja 1937. il.

Grey, Z. Tales of the Southern Rivers. N.Y., Grosset, (c.1924) 249p. il.

Gifford, J.C. The Everglades and Other Essays Relating to Southern Florida...(2nd ed) Miami, Fla., Everglades Land Sales Co. (c.1912) 226 p. il.

Hanna, A.J. and Hanna, K.A. Lake Okeechobee, Wellspring of the Everglades...(1st ed) Indianapolis, Bobbs-Merril Co., (c.1949) 379p. il. maps. (The American Lake series) Includes bibliographies.

Harrington, M.R. "Archaeology of the Everglade Region". American Anthropologist n.s. 11; 139-42, 1909. il.

*Henshall, J.A. Camping and Cruising in Florida...Cincinnati, Clarke, 1888. 248p. il. map.

Leach, G.D. "Everglades National Park". National Parks Magazine 21: 6-10, O-D 1947. il.

Lloyd, E.R. Agricultural Possibilities of Florida Everglades, Report Made to Division Engineering at New Orleans, on Agricultural Possibilities of Florida Everglades; presented by Mr. Fletcher. Ja 6, calendar day F 13, 1930. 21p. map.

(71st Congress, 2nd session, Senate Document 85: 9219)

McLennan, C.M. "Everglades Permanence Now Assured". Florida Grower 44: 5- 7, 20 (281-2, 296), Ap 1936. il. map.

Marchman, W. P. "The Ingraham Everglades Exploring Expedition, 1892". Tequesta 1: 3-43, (137-77), #7, 1947.

National Parks Association. Proposed Everglades National Park, Report of Special Committee of National Parks Association Appointed to Study All Features in Connection with Proposed Everglades National Park in Florida; presented by Mr. Fletcher. 1932. 14p. (72nd Congress, 1st session, Senate Document 54; 9520)

*National Parks Association, Washington D.C. Exploring Our National Parks and Monuments (by) Devereux Butcher. Prepared under the auspices of the National Parks Association. N.Y., Oxford Univ. Press, 1947. 160 p. il. map.

Ober, F.A. The Knockabout Club in the Everglades; the Adventures of the Club in Exploring Lake Okeechobee. Boston, Estes, c.1887. 213p. il. (The Knockabout Club series)

Olmstead, T.L. and Wharton, W.P. "Florida Everglades Where the Mangrove Forest Meet the Storm Waves of a Thousand Miles of Water". American Forests 38: 142-7, 192, Mr 1932. il.

O'Reilly, J. "South Florida's Amazing Everglades". National Geographic Magazine 77: 115-42, Ja 1940. il. map.

Pratt, T. "Papa of the Everglades National park". Saturday Evening Post 220: 32- 3, 46, 49, Ag 9, 1947. il.

Preble, G.H. "A Canoe Expedition into the Everglades in 1842". Tequesta 1: 30-51, #5, Ja 1946.

Safford, W.E. "Natural History of Paradise Key and the Nearby Everglades of Florida". Smithsonian Institute, Annual Report 1917: 377-434. il. map.

*Simpson, C.T. In Lower Florida Wilds... N.Y., Putnam, 1920. 404p. il. map.

Small, J. K. "The Everglades". Scientific Monthly 28: 80-7, Ja. 1929. il. map.

Stephan, L.L. "Geographic Role of the Everglades in the Early History of Florida". Scientific Monthly 55: 515-26, D 1942. il. map. bibliog.f.

U.S. Congress. House, Committee on Public Lands. Establishment of Everglades National Park, Hearings, 71st Congress, 3rd session; on H.R. 12381 for establishment of Everglades National Park in Florida. 1931. 78 p.

U.S. Congress. Senate. Tropic Everglades National Park. Information Relating to the Proposed Establishment of a National Park To Be Known as the Tropic Everglades National Park, in the State of Florida. 1930. 21p. (71st Congress, 3rd session, Senate Committee print)

U.S. Congress. Senate, Committee on Public Lands and Surveys. Establishment of Everglades National Park, Florida, report to accompany s. 324; submitted by Mr. Kendrick. My 1 calendar day My 3, 1933. 21p. il. (73rd Congress, 1st session, S.rp.50; 9769)

U.S.Congress. Senate, Committee on Public Lands and Surveys. Establishment of Everglades National Park, Florida, report to accompany S.5410; submitted by Mr. Nye. ja 26, calendar day F 5, 1921. 91p. il. (71st Congress, 3rd session, S. rp. 1485; 9323)

Whitehead, C.E. The Camp-fires of the Everglades, or Wild Sports in the South... Edinburgh, Douglas, 1891.) il.

Willoughby, H.L. Across the Everglades; a Canoe Journey of Exploration. Illus. from photographs taken by the author. Philadelphia, J. B. Lippincott Co., 1900. XII 0-102p. il. maps.

*Winter, N.O. Florida, the Land of Enchantment... Boston, Page, 1918. 308 p. il. map.


Adams, S. "New Life for Florida's Sugar Bowl". Fla. Grower 35; 7, 28 (355,376) Je 1927. il.

Allison, R.V. "Copper Sulfate Solves the Central Problem of Soil Fertility in the Florida Everglades". J. of Chemical Education 7: 2399-402, O 1930.

Allison, R.V. "Soil Chemistry and Bacteriology with Special References to the Everglades". Fla. Agric. Dept. Quarterly Bulletin 38: 9-17, O 1928.

Allison, R.V. and others. "Stimulation of Plant Response on the Raw Peat Soils of the Florida Everglades through the Use of Copper Sulphate and Other Chemicals." Fla. Agric. Experiment Station Bulletin 190: 1-80, S 1927. il.

Dacy, G. H. "What Will the Glades Produce?" Fla. Grower 37: 17, S 1929. il.

Ender, L.R. "Fertilizing Crops with Metals". Review of Reviews 78: 416-17, O 1928. il.

"Everglades Sugar Industry, a Marvel of Progress". Fla. Grower 44: 8, 15 (284, 291) Ap 1936. il.

Forsee, W.T., Jr. "Recent Plant Responses to Some of the Microelements on Everglades Peat". Soil Science Society of Fla., Proceedings II: 53-8, 1940. il.

McLennan, C.M. "Everglades Permanence Now Assured". Fla. Grower 44: 5-7, 20 (281-2, 296) Ap 1936. il. map.

McLennan, C.M. "Miracles of Achievement in the Everglades". Fla. Grower 45: 8,12 (256, 260) N 1937. il.

Naftel, J.A. "Irish Potato Production in the Everglades". Fla. Grower 35: 8, 37 (518, 547) N 1927. il.

Neller, J.R. "Availability of the Phosphorus of Various Types of Phosphates Added to Everglades Peat Land". Fla. Agric. Experiment Station Bulletin 408: 1-28, Mr 1945. il. bibliog.

Neller, J. R. "Fertilizer Requirements of Grass and Clover on the Peat Soils of the Florida Everglades". Soil Science Society of Fla., Proceedings III: 125-31, 1941. il.

Possibilities of the Everglades (revised) Fla. Agric. Experiment Station Bulletin 61 n.s., D 1932. 91p.

Reese, J.H. "The Late Everglades Vegetable Deal in the South Lake Okeechobee Region". Fla. Grower 33: 8-9 (650-1) My 29, 1926. il.

Reese, J.H. "Making the Rich Florida Everglades Region Available to Agricultural Production". Fla. Grower 33: 3-4, 27 (367-8, 391) Mr 13, 1926. il.

Severson, H. "Muck Makes Millions". Banking 40: 50-1, 119-20, 1947, il.

Skerrett, R.G. "Farms for the Everglades; Levees, Drainage Canals Permit Reclamation of Mysterious Everglades". Scientific American 158: 325-7, Je 1938. il. map.

Stephan, L.L. "Little-known Sugar Bowl in Florida". J. of Geography 43: 49-62, F 1944. il. map.

Stephan, L.L. "Vegetable Production in the Northern Everglades". Economic Geography 20: 79-101, Ap 1944. il. map.


Adams, S. "New Life for Florida's Sugar Bowl". Fla. Grower 35: 7, 28 (355, 376) Je 1927. il.

Allison, R.V. "The Need of the Everglades for a Specific Plan of Development Based on the Physical and Chemical Characteristics of Its Soils and Rational Handling of Its Natural Water Supply". Soil Science Society of Fla., Proceedings I: 35-57, 1939.

Allison, R.V. "The Soil and Water Conservation Problem in the Everglades". Soil Science Society of Fla., Proceedings I: 35-57, 1939. il.

Bender, G.J. "The Everglades Fire Control District". Soil Science Society of Fla., Proceedings V-A: 149-52, 1943. il.

Bestor, H.A. "The Principal Elements of a Long Time Soil and Water Conservation Plan for the Everglades". Soil Science Society of Fla., Proceedings IV-A: 90-9, Ap 12, 1942.

Bestor, H.A. "Reclamation Problems of Sub-drainage Districts Adjacent to Lake Okeechobee". Soil Science Society of Fla. Proceedings V-A: 157-65, 1943.

Clayton, B.S. and others. "Water Control in the Peat and Muck Soils of the Florida Everglades". Fla. Agric. Experiment Station Bulletin 378: 1-74, N 1942. il.

Conference on Florida Everglades Reclamation. Baltimore, Maryland, Jl 18-19, 1927. n.p. 1927? 107p. (paper)

Culver, D.E. "The South Florida Situation Today". National Parks Magazine 22: 4-7, Ja-Mr 1948. il.

Davis, C.K. "The Plan and Progress of Soil and Water Conservation Studies in the Everglades". Soil Science Society of Fla., Proceedings IV-A: 86-9, Ap 21, 1942.

Davis, C.K. "Summary of Three Years of Conservation Work in the Everglades, and Plans for the Future". Soil Science Society of Fla. Proceedings V-A: 116-7, 1943.

Davis, J.H. Jr. "Vegetation of the Everglades and Conservation from the Point of View of the Plant Ecologist". (An abstract...Fla. Geological Survey, Geological Bulletin no. 25) Soil Science Society of Fla., Proceedings V-A: 105- 15, 1943. il. map.

Elliott, F.C. "The Everglades". (In Fla. Dept. of Agric. Biennial Report, 1919-20, pt. 1: 130-58)

Evans, C.B. and Allison, C.V. "The Soils of the Everglades in Relation to Reclamation and Conservation Operations". Soil Science Society of Fla., Proceedings IV-A: 34-46, Ap 21, 1942. il. map.

Fairchild, D. "Are the Everglades Worth Saving?" National Parks Magazine #80: 3-8, 28-9, Ja-Mr 1945.

Ferguson, G.E. "The Plan and Progress of Recent Surface Water Studies in the Everglades". Soil Science Society of Fla., Proceedings IV-A: 77-85, 1942. il. maps.

Florida, Board of Commissioners of Everglades Drainage District. Biennial Report 1925-26. F.C. Elliott, Chief Draininage Engineer. Tallahassee, Appleyard, 1927. 76p. il. maps.

Florida, Board of Commissioners of Everglades Drainage District. Advisory Commission, Report by Advisory Commission on the Present Drainage System in Relation to Water Control requirements of Everglades Drainage District. My 1, 1944. (n.p.) 1944. 41p. map.

"Further Studies of Geological Relationships Affecting Soil and Water Conservation and Use in the Everglades. Part I: Additional Notes on the Geology and Ground Water of Southern Florida (by) Gerald G. Parker and nevin Hoy; Part II: The relationship of Sub-surface Hydrology to Water Control and Land Use in the Everglades (by) John C. Stephens". Soil Science Society of Fla., Proceedings V-A: 33-94, 1943. il. maps.

Galinelson, I.N. "What Will Happen To The Everglades?" National Parks Magazine #78: 18-9, Jl-S 1944.

Harney, W.W. "Drainage of Everglades of Florida". Harper's Magazine 68: 598- 605, Mr 1884. Map.

Herr, B. "Caloosahatchee River And Lake Okeechobee Draininage Areas, Florida". Soil Science Society of Fla., Proceedings V-A: 134-48, 1943. il.

Hlder, J.C. "America's Last wilderness: Florida Everglades Are Going Dry". World's Work 60: 54-6, F 1931. il.

McLennan, C.M. "Everglades Permanence Now Assured". Fla. Grower 44: 5-7, 20 (2281-2, 296) Ap 1936. il. map.

Morrison, K.D. "America's Last Frontier: Florida Everglades". Nature Magazine 34: 570-2, 578, D 1941.

Reese, J.H. "Making the Rich Florida Everglades Region Available to Agricultural Production". Fla. Grower 33: 3-4, 27 (367-8, 391) Mr 13, 1926. il.

Schrontz, C.C. "The Principal Characteristics of the Kissimmee-Everglades Watershed". A. Lake Okeechobee. Soil Science Society of Fla., Proceedings IV- A: 14-23, 1942. maps.

Sharp, H. "To Drain the Everglades, First Get a Plan". Fla. Grower 36: 8, 28-9 (378, 398-9) 1928. il.

Skerrett, R.G. "Farms for the Everglades: Levees, Drainage Canals Permit Reclamation of Mysterious Everglades". Scientific American 158: 325-7, Je 1938. il. map.

"Soils, Geology, and Water Control in the Everglades Region". Fla. Agric. Experiment Station Bulletin 442: 1-168, Mr 1948. il. map.

Stephan, L.L. "Historico-Economic Aspects of Drainage in the Florida Everglades". Southern Economic J. 10: 197-211, Ja 1944. map. bibliog.

Stephens, A.R. "Progress Report on a Topographic Reconnaissance of the Everglades Drainage District". Soil Science Society of Fla., Proceedings V-A: 24- 32, 1943. il. map.

Stephens, J.C. "The Principal Characteristics of the Kissimmee-Everglades Watershed. B. The Everglades". Soil Science Society of Fla., Proceedings IV-A: 24-8, 1942. il.

"Unique Floating Toll-road Across the Everglades". Scientific American 132: 48- 9, Ja 1925.

U.S. Congress. Senate. Committee on Public Lands. In Senate of the United States...Mr.. Breese made the Following Report to Accompany Bill S. no. 338..."To Authorize the draining of the Ever Glades, in the state of Florida, by said state." Washington, Gov't Print. Off. 1848. 133 p. (30th Congress, 1st session, Senate Committee report no. 2 242)

Vinten, C.R. "The National Park Service". Soil Science Society of Fla., Proceedings V-A: 153-7, 1943.

Wallis, W.T. "The History of the Everglades Drainage and Its Present Status". Soil Science Society of Fla.., Proceedings IV-A: 29-33, Ap 21, 1942.

Willey, D.A. "Reclaiming the Everglades of Florida". Scientific American 115: 258-9, S 16, 1916. il.


Beardsley, J.E. "Present Status of Plans for Refinancing the Everglades Draininage District". Soil Science Society of Fla., Proceedings IV-A: 104-12, Ap 21, 1942. il.

"Everglades Sugar Concern Diversifies". Manufacturers Record 11: 38-9, 68, Mr 1944. il.

"Florida Everglades Swept by Fire". American Forests 45: 277, My 1939.

(United States Sugar Corporation) The Everglades, Agro-industrial Empire of the South. (Clewiston, Fla. 1944) 101 p. il.

Wallis, W.T. "The Interrelationship of Physical and Economic Factors in Everglades Reclamation". Soil Science Society of Fla., Proceedings IV-A: 113-6, Ap 21, 1942.


Beard, D.A. "Growing Pains in the Everglades". National Parks Magazine 24: 12- 8, Ja-Mr 1950. il.

Bellamy, J. "The Everglades National Park Unlike Anything Else in the World". (In the Florida Handbook 1949-1950; compiled by Allen Morris. Tallahassee, Fla., Peninsular Publishing Co., c. 1949. p. 178-81)

"Boundaries for Everglades Park Recommended". American Forests 41: 142, Mr 1935. map.

Bumpus, H.C. "Educational Value of an Everglades Park". Review of Reviews 85: 48, Mr 1932. map.

Butler, L.L. "Everglades--Our Newest National Park". Travel 66: 20-3, 53, F 1936. il. map.

Craig, J.B. "Troubled Waters in the Everglades". American Forests 54: 261-3, Je 1948. il.

"Creation of National Park in Florida Everglades in Prospect". J. of Forestry 43: 142, F 1945.

Culver, D.E. "The South Florida Situation Today". National Parks Magazine 22: 4-7, Ja-Mr 1948. il.

Dedication Ceremonies for Everglades National Park, Everglades, Florida, December 6, 1947, addresses by the President of the United States, the Secretary of the Interior, U.S. Senator Claude Pepper, U.S. Senator Spessard L. Holland, Governor Millard F. Caldwell, August Burghard, John D. Pennekamp. Published by the Everglades National park Commission...Miami, Fla., (1947) 16p.

"Everglades Park Established". American Forests 53: 474, O 1947.

"Everglades Protection". National Parks Magazine #80: 9-10, Ja-Mr 1945.

Leach, G.D. "Everglades National Park". National Parks Magazine 21: 6-10, O-D 1947. il.

Leach, G.D. "Everglades National Park Dedicated". National Parks Magazine 22: 17-9, Ja-Mr 1949. il.

Merrill, A.F. "Exhibiting the E Everglades". National Parks Magazine 23: 20-5, Jl-S 1949.

"National Park Association Votes Florida Everglades Park". American Forests 38: 188, Mr 1932.

"Park Dedication". Fla. Outdoors 2: 14-5, D 1947. il.

Small, J.K. "Proposed Everglades National Park, U.S.A". Nature 140: 263-4, Ag 14,1937. map.

Sulamanca, L. "Where the Continent Grows". National Republic 18: 24-5, 41, Mr 1931. il.


Boughton, W.A. Everglades Adventure. Boston, B. Humphrie, (1948, c.1947) 256 p.

Chapman, M. pseud. Gulf Coast Treasure. N.Y., Appleton, 1941. 270 p. il.

Enright, W.J.P. Al Alligator and How He Learned to Play the Banjo; pictures by the author. N.Y., Dodd, 1947. 98p.

Monroe, K. Canoemates; a Story of the Florida Reef and Everglades. N.Y., Harper, 1893. 324 p.

Powell, R.P. Shark River. N.Y., Simon and Schuster, (c. 1950) 209p.

*Rathbone, St. G. The Boy Cruisers, or Paddling in Florida. N.Y., Burt, c.1893. 264p.

Sackett, B. Everglades Gold. N.Y., Random House, c.1948. 240p. il.

Sackett, B. Hurricane Treasure, the Secret of Injun Key. N.Y., Random House, c. 1945. 298p. il. map.

White, R. The Lion's Paw. Garden City, N.Y. Doubleday, 1946. 243p.


Baker, J.H. "Wildlife Preservation in the Glades". Soil Science Society of Florida, Proceedings V-A: 11-5, 1943. il.

Beard, D.B. "Wildlife of Everglades National Park". National Geographic Magazine 95: 83-116, Ja.. 1949. il.

Butler, L.L. "Everglades--Our Newest National Park". Travel 66: 20-3, 53, F 1936. il. map.

Butler, L.L. "Road to Birdland". American Forests 53: 62-3, 92-3, F 1947.

*Cruickshank, H.G. Flight into Sunshine; Bird Experiences in Florida; photography by Allan D. Cruickshank. N.Y., Macmillan, 1948. 128p. il.

Davis, J.H. "The Natural Features of Southern Florida, Especially the Vegetation and Everglades". Tallahassee, pub. for the Fla. Geographical Survey, 1943. 311p. il. maps. (Fla. Geology. Survey, Geological Bulletin no. 25) bibliog.f.

Small, J.K. "Proposed Everglades National Park, U.S.A". Nature 140: 263-4, Ag 14, 1937. map.

Willson, M.M. Birds of the Everglades and Their Neighbors the Seminole Indians. Tampa, Fla., Tampa Tribune Publishing Co., 1920. 23p. il.


Butcher, D. "Going, Going--Florida's Royal Palm--Big Cypress Forest". National Parks Magazine 22: 3-7, Ap-Je 1948. il.

Butcher, D. "Threat to Royal Palm Forest". American Forest 54: 219, 240, My 1948. il.

Davis, J.H. "The Natural Features of Southern Florida, Especially the Vegetation and Everglades". Tallahassee, pub. for the Fla. Geological Survey, 1943. 311p. il. maps) (Fla. Geological Survey, Geological Bulletin no. 25) bibliog.f.

Dickerson, R.E. "Trends of Pleistocene Ocean Currents across the Florida Everglades". Geographical Review 32: 135-9, Ja 1942. il. map.

Galantine, M.H. and Henderson, J.R. "Progress Report on the Soil Survey of the Everglades". Soil Science Society of Fla., Proceedings V-A: 95-104, 1943. map.

Morrison, K.D. "Oil in the Everglades; Shall Drills Deliver the Death Blow to Large Section of Florida's Irreplaceable Wilderness". Natural History 53: 282-3, Je 1944; 292, S 1944 (discussion)

"Nature And Extent of The Surface Subsidence of The Organic Soils of the Everglades:Part I: Shrinkage And Subsidence Due To Drainage And Cultivation (by) J.R. Neller". Soil Science Society of Fla., Proceedings V-A: 118-25, 1943. il.

*Parker, G.G. and Cooke, C.W. "Late Cenozoic Geology of Southern Florida with a Discussion of the Ground Water...Tallahassee, Fla.", pub. for the Fla. Geological Survey, 1949. il. maps. Fla. Geological Survey, Geological Bulletin no. 27).

Parker, G.G. "Notes on the Geology and Ground Water of the Everglades in Southern Florida". Soil Science Society of Fla., Proceedings IV-A: 47-76, Ap 21, 1942. il. maps.

Schrontz, C.C. "The Principal Characteristics of the Kissimmee-Everglades Watershed; A. Lake Okeechobee". Soil Science Society of Fla., Proceedings IV- A: 14-23, Ap 21, 1942.il. map.

Shellards, E.H." Geologic Sections Across the Everglades of Florida". (In Fla. Geological Survey, Twelfth Annual Report p. 67-76).

Small, J.K. "Vegetation and Erosion on the Everglades Keys". Scientific Monthly 30: 33-49, Ja 1930. il.

Stephens, J.C. "The Principal Characteristics of the Kissimmee-Everglades Watershed; B. The Everglades". Soil Science Society of Fla., Proceedings IV-A: 24-8, Ap 21, 1942. il.

Williamson, W.A. "Mangroves and Mystery". American Forests 42: 54-6, F 1936. il.

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