Report |
Year |
Report Title |
Authors |
2013-1 |
2013 |
Evaluation and Application of the Time Model V2.0Restoration Alternatives and Sea Level Rise in Everglades National Park
Appendix A
Appendix B
Appendix C
Appendix D
Appendix E
Appendix F
Appendix G
Kiren E. Bahm and Robert J. Fennema |
2012-1 |
2012 |
Salinity and Hydrology of Florida BayStatus and Trends 1990-2009 |
Erik Stabenau and Kevin Kotun |
N/A |
2012 |
Implementing the Dry Tortugas
National Park Research Natural Area Science Plan: The 5-Year Report |
National Park Service and
Florida Fish and Wildlife Commission |
2010-1 |
2010 |
Tamiami Trail Modifications:
Next Steps Project Summary of
Findings and Draft Environmental Impact Statement |
R. Bruce Boler and David A.
Sikkema |
N/A |
2010 |
Implementing the Dry Tortugas
National Park Research Natural Area Science Plan: The 3-Year Report |
National Park Service and
Florida Fish and Wildlife Commission |
2009-1 |
2009 |
Potential Ecological
Consequences of Climate Change in South Florida and the Everglades: 2008
Literature Synthesis |
Leonard G. Pearlstine, Elise V.
Pearlstine, Jimi Sadle, and Tom Schmidt |
2008-2 |
2008 |
Estimates of Flows to Meet
Salinity Targets for Western Biscayne National Park |
National Park Service |
2008-1 |
2008 |
Patterns of Propeller Scarring
of Seagrass in Florida Bay |
David E. Hallac, Jimi Sadle, and
Fred Herling |
N/A |
2007 |
Assessing the Conservation
Efficacy of the Dry Tortugas National Park Research Natural Area |
David Hallac, John Hunt, Douglas
Morrison, Bill Sharp, and Robert Johnson |
2006-2 |
2006 |
Ecological Targets for Western
Biscayne National Park |
National Park Service et al. |
2005-1 |
2005 |
Everglades Water Quality |
National Park Service el al. |
2006-2 |
2005 |
An Assessment of the Interim
Operational Plan |
National Park Service et al. |
N/A |
1999 |
An Examination of the Modified
Water Deliveries Project, the C-111 Project and the Experimental Water
Deliveries Project: Hydrologic Analyses and Effects on Endangered Species |
Thomas J. Van Lent, Ray W. Snow,
and Fred E. James |
96-02 |
1996 |
Effects of Hurricane Andrew on
Natural and Archeological Resources |
G.E. Davis, L.L. Loope, C.T.
Roman, G. Smith, J.T. Tilmant, and M. Soukup |
SFRC 93-03 |
1993 |
Water Management in Taylor
Slough and Effects on Florida Bay |
Thomas Van Lent, Robert Johnson,
and Robert Fennema |
SFRC-88/01 |
1988 |
Hydrologic Effects of the 1984
through 1986 L-31 Canal Drawdowns on the Northern Taylor Slough Basin of
Everglades National Park |
Robert A. Johnson, Joel I.
Wagner, Deborah J. Grigsby, and Virginia A. Stern |
SFRC-87/03 |
1987 |
Old Field Succession in
Everglades National Park |
Pamela Krauss |
SFRC-87/02 |
1987 |
Distribution and Abundance of
Fish Communities Among Selected Estuarine and Marine Habitats in Everglades
National Park |
Gordon W. Thayer, William F.
Hettler, Jr., Alexander J. Chester, David R. Colby, and Patti J. McElhaney |
SFRC-87/01 |
1987 |
Abundance and Distribution of
Ichthyoplankton in Florida Bay and Adjacent Waters |
Allyn B. Powell, Donald E. Hoss,
William F. Hettler, David S. Peters, Larry Simoneaux, and Stephanie Wagner |
SFRC-86/09 |
1986 |
Long Term Recovery of
Experimental Off-Road Vehicle Impacts and Abandoned Old Trails in the Big
Cypress National Preserve |
Michael J. Duever, Lawrence A.
Riopelle, and Jean M. McCollom |
SFRC-86/07 |
1986 |
Early Life History of Spotted
Seatrout, Red Drum, Gray Snapper, and Snook in Everglades National Park |
Edward S. Rutherford, Thomas W.
Schmidt, and James T. Tilmant |
SFRC-86/06 |
1986 |
Impact of Wet Season and Dry
Season Prescribed Fires on Miami Pock Ridge Pineland, EVER |
James B. Snyder |
SFRC-86/05 |
1986 |
Response of a Muhlenbergia
Prairie to Repeated Burning: Changes in Above-ground Biomass |
Alan Herndon and Dale Taylor |
SFRC-86/04 |
1986 |
Aspects of the Population
Dynamics and Biology of the Stone Crab (Menippe
mercenaria) in Everglades and Biscayne National
Parks as Determined by Trapping |
T.M. Bert, J. Tilmant, J.
Dodrill, and G.E. Davis |
N/A |
1986 |
Ecology and Population Dynamics
of the Florida Panther in Everglades National Park |
William B. Robertson, Jr., and
Oron L. Bass, Jr. |
SFRC-86/03 |
1986 |
Vegetation Cover Types of Shark
River Slough, Everglades NP Derived from LANDSAT Thematic Mapper Data |
Lance H. Gunderson, David P.
Brannon, and Gary Irish |
SFRC-85/02 |
1985 |
Geologic Structure of the
Surficial Aquifer Underlying Everglades National Park and the Big Cypress
National Preserve |
Martha Jarosewich and Joel
Wagner |
SFRC-85/01 |
1985 |
Litterfall in Pinelands of
Everglades National Park |
Alan Herndon and Dale Taylor |
SFRC-84/01 |
1984 |
Summary of Fires in Everglades
National Park and Big Cypress National Preserve, 1981 |
Robert F. Doren and Regina M.
Rochefort |
T-574 |
1983 |
Plants of Everglades National
Park: A Preliminary Checklist of Vascular Plants (second printing) |
George N. Avery and Lloyd L.
Loope |
SFRC-83/0 |
1983 |
Evaluation of the Management of
Problem Alligators in Everglades National Park |
Terri Jacobsen and James A.
Kushlan |
SFRC-83/07 |
1983 |
Status of exotic woody species
in Big Cypress National Preserve |
Lance H. Gunderson |
SFRC-83/06 |
1983 |
Mowry Canal (C-103): Water
Quality and Discharge into Biscayne Bay, Florida, 1975–1981 |
Daniel J. Scheidt and Mark D.
Flora |
SFRC-83/05 |
1983 |
The Vegetation of Long Pine Key,
Everglades National Park |
Ingrid Olmsted, William B.
Robertson, Jr., Jill Johnson, and Oron L. Bass, Jr. |
SFRC-83/04 |
1983 |
Fire Effects on Flowering and
Fruiting Patterns of Understory Plants in Pinelands of Everglades National
Park |
Lance Gunderson, Dale Taylor,
and Jim Craig |
SFRC-83/03 |
1983 |
Age and Growth of Four
Everglades Fishes Using Otolith Techniques |
P. William Haake and John Mark
Dean |
SFRC-83/02 |
1983 |
Population Structure, Food
Habits, and Spawning Activity of Gray Snapper, Lutjanus griseus, in
Everglades National Park |
Edward S. Rutherford, Edith B.
Thue, and David G. Buker |
SFRC-83/01 |
1983 |
Status of the Eastern Indigo
Snake in Southern Florida National Parks and Vicinity |
Todd M. Steiner, Oron L. Bass,
Jr., and James A. Kushlan |
T-683 |
1982 |
Age, Growth and Mortality of the
Common Snook, Centropomus undecimalis (Bloch), in Everglades National Park,
Florida |
Edith B. Thue, Edward S.
Rutherford, and David G. Baker+F46 |
T-682 |
1982 |
A Bibliography of Schinus,
Melaleuca, and Casuarina Exotic Genera in South Florida |
Jill Johnson and Ingrid Olmsted |
T-676 |
1982 |
Schinus in Successional
Ecosystems of Everglades National Park |
John J. Ewel, Dennis S. Ojima,
Dori A. Karl, and William F. DeBusk |
T-672 |
1982 |
Status of the Cape Sable Sparrow |
Oron L. Bass, Jr., and James A.
Kushlan |
T-671 |
1982 |
The Nest Environment of the
American Crocodile |
Peter L. Lutz and Ann
Dunbar-Cooper |
T-670 |
1982 |
Wintering Waterfowl in
Everglades National Park |
James A. Kushlan, Oron L. Bass,
Jr., and Linda C. McEwan |
T-669 |
1982 |
Status of the Gopher Tortoise in
Everglades National Park |
James A. Kushlan, and Frank J.
Mazzotti |
T-668 |
1982 |
Population Characteristics, Food
Habits and Spawning Activity of Spotted Seatrout, Cynoscion neulosus, in
Everglades National Park, Florida |
Edward Rutherford, Edith Thue,
and David Buker |
T-666 |
1982 |
An Inventory of the Plant
Communities within the Deep Lake Strand Area, Big Cypress National Preserve |
Lance H. Gunderson and Lloyd L.
Loope |
T-665 |
1982 |
A Survey and Inventory of the
Plant Communities in the Raccoon Point Area, Big Cypress National Preserve |
Lance H. Gunderson and Lloyd L.
Loope |
T-664 |
1982 |
An Inventory of the Plant
Communities in the Levee-28 Tieback Area, Big Cypress National Preserve |
Lance H. Gunderson and Lloyd L.
Loope |
T-663 |
1982 |
Summary of Fires in Everglades
National Park and Big Cypress National Preserve, 1980 |
Dale L. Taylor and Robert F.
Doren |
T-662 |
1982 |
Biomass and Primary Production
of Microphytes in Periphyton Habitats of the Everglades |
Joan A. Browder et al. |
T-655 |
1982 |
A Survey and Inventory of the
Plant Communities in the Pinecrest Area, Big Cypress National Preserve |
Lance Gunderson and Lloyd L.
Loope |
T-653 |
1982 |
An Analysis of Surface Water
Nutrient Concentrations in Shark River Slough, 1972–1980 |
Mark D. Flora and Peter C.
Rosendahl |
T-650 |
1982 |
Structure S-12 Water
Distribution to Everglades National Park |
Joel I. Wagner and Peter C.
Rosendahl |
T-648 |
1982 |
An Inventory of Plant
Communities of the Turner River Area, Big Cypress National Preserve, Florida |
Lance Gunderson, Lloyd L. Loope,
and William R. Maynard |
T-646 |
1982 |
An Analysis of Rainfall in Shark
Slough |
Rose M. Lew, Mark D. Flora, and
Peter C. Rosendahl |
M-679 |
1982 |
Status of the Osprey in
Everglades National Park |
Oron L. Bass, Jr., and James A.
Kushlan |
M-660 |
1982 |
Cape Sable Sparrow Management
Plan |
James A. Kushlan et al. |
M-649 |
1982 |
The Status of the Schaus
Swallowtail and the Bahama Swallowtail Butterflies in Biscayne National Park |
William F. Loftus and James A.
Kushlan |
T-645 |
1981 |
Impact of Fire Exclusion and
Invasion of Schinus Terebinthifolius on Limestone Rockland Pine Forests |
Lloyd L. Loope and Vicki L.
Dunevitz |
T-644 |
1981 |
Investigations of Early Plant
Succession on Abandoned Farmlands in Everglades National Park |
Lloyd L. Loope and Vicki L.
Dunevitz |
T-643 |
1981 |
Perspective on the Ecological
Causes and Effects of the Variable Algal Composition of Southern Everglades
Periphyton |
Joan A. Browder et al. |
T-640 |
1981 |
Impact of 22 Years of Fire on
Understory Hardwood Shrubs in Slash Pine Communities within Everglades
National Park |
Dale L. Taylor and Alan Herndon |
T-620 |
1981 |
Vegetation of the Southern
Coastal Region of Everglades National Park between Flamingo and Joe Bay |
Ingrid C. Olmsted, Lloyd L.
Loope, and Robert P. Russell |
T-619 |
1981 |
Fire History and Fire Records
for Everglades National Park 1948-1979 |
Dale L. Taylor |
T-618 |
1981 |
Shark Slough Water Level
Correlation Analysis |
Robert J. Probst and Peter C.
Rosendahl |
T-615 |
1981 |
Specific Conductance and Ionic
Characteristics of the Shark River Slough, Everglades National Park, Florida |
Mark D. Flora and Peter C.
Rosendahl |
T-614 |
1981 |
Off-Road Vehicles and Their
Impacts in the Big Cypress National Preserve |
Michael J. Duever, John E.
Carlson, and Lawrence A. Riopelle |
T-613 |
1981 |
Distribution and Habitat of the
Red-cockaded Woodpecker in Big Cypress National Preserve |
Gary A. Patterson and William B.
Robertson, Jr. |
T-612 |
1981 |
Hydrologic Impacts of L-31(W) on
Taylor Slough, Everglades National Park |
Paul W. Rose, Mark D. Flora, and
Peter C. Rosendahl |
T-611 |
1981 |
Annual Hydrology Review:
Everglades National Park and Big Cypress National Preserve Water Year 1978 |
Paul W. Rose, Rose M. Lew, and
Peter C. Rosendahl |
M-621 |
1981 |
Water Management Plan: Turner
River Restoration |
Peter C. Rosendahl and David A.
Sikkema |
M-594 |
1981 |
SFRC Annual Research Plan: Fiscal Year 1981 |
T-605 |
1980 |
Twenty-Nine Year Synopsis of the
Coot Bay Christmas Bird Count Everglades National Park |
William Bolte and Oron L. Bass,
Jr. |
T-604 |
1980 |
Tropical Hardwood Hammocks of
the Interior of Everglades National Park and Big Cypress National Preserve |
Ingrid C. Olmsted, Lloyd L.
Loope, and Charles E. Hilsenbeck |
T-600 |
1980 |
A Bibliography of South Florida
Botany |
Lloyd L. Loope |
T-599 |
1980 |
Osmoregulation of Crocodiles in
Everglades National Park |
William A. Dunson |
T-595 |
1980 |
Summary of Fires in Everglades
National Park and Big Cypress National Preserve, 1979 |
Dale L. Taylor |
T-593 |
1980 |
Phenology of Flowering and
Fruiting in Plant Communities of Everglades National Park and Biscayne
National Monument, Florida |
T-592 |
1980 |
A Survey of Fire History and
Impact in Tropical Hardwood Hammocks in the East Everglades and Adjacent
Portions of Everglades National Park |
Lloyd L. Loope and Nancy H.
Urban |
T-588 |
1980 |
Butterflies of Everglades
National Park |
Barbara Lenczewski |
T-587 |
1980 |
Plants of Big Cypress National
Preserve: A Preliminary Checklist of Vascular Plants |
David W. Black and Sally Black |
T-586 |
1980 |
A Survey and Baseline Analysis
of Aspects of the Vegetation of Taylor Slough, Everglades National Park |
Ingrid C. Olmsted, Lloyd L.
Loope, and Richard E. Rintz |
T-575 |
1980 |
Annual Hydrology Review: Big
Cypress National Preserve 1977 |
Paul W. Rose, David A. Sikkema,
and Peter C. Rosendahl |
T-574 |
1980 |
Plants of Everglades National
Park: A Preliminary Checklist of Vascular Plants |
George N. Avery and Lloyd L.
Loope |
T-558 |
1980 |
Endemic Taxa in the Flora of
South Florida |
George N. Avery and Lloyd L.
Loope |
T-555 |
1980 |
An Environmental Study of
Everglades Mink (Mustela vison) |
Andrew T. Smith |
N/A |
1980 |
Vegetation Map pf the Coastal Region between Flamingo and Joe Bay of Everglades National Park |
Robert P. Russell, Lloyd L. Loope, and Ingrid C. Olmsted |
M-589 |
1980 |
Investigations of Rodent Damage
to the Thatch Palms Thrinax morrisii and Thrinax radiata on Elliott Key,
Biscayne National Park, Florida |
James T. Tilmant |
T-547 |
1979 |
Distribution and Abundance of
Flora in Limestone Rockland Pine Forests of Southeastern Florida |
Lloyd L. Loope, David W. Black,
Sally Black, and George N. Avery |
T-546 |
1979 |
Fishery Data Management
Handbook, Everglades National Park, 1979 |
Gary E. Davis and Edith B. Thue |
T-544 |
1979 |
An Application of LANDSAT
Multispectral Imagery for the Classification of Hydrobiological Systems,
Shark River Slough, Everglades National Park, Florida |
Paul W. Rose and Peter C.
Rosendahl |
T-538 |
1979 |
Colonial Birds in South Florida
National Parks, 1977-1978 |
Oron L. Bass, Jr. |
M-548 |
1979 |
A Preliminary Report on Rare
Plant Species in the Flora of National Park Service Areas of South Florida |
Lloyd L. Loope and George N.
Avery |
T-531 |
1978 |
Annual Hydrology Review:
Everglades National Park 1977 |
Paul W. Rose and Peter C.
Rosendahl |
T-522 |
1978 |
Mortality Associated with
Declawing Stone Crabs, Menippe mercenaria |
Gary E. Davis, Douglas S.
Baughman, James D. Chapman, Donald MacArthur, and Alan C. Pierce |
T-519 |
1978 |
A Summary of Estuarine and
Marine Water Quality Information collected in Everglades National Park,
Biscayne National Monument, and Adjacent Estuaries, 1879-1977 |
Thomas W. Schmidt and Gary E.
Davis |
T-514 |
1978 |
A Bibliography of South Florida
Wading Birds |
James A. Kushlan, M. Christine
Baumann, and Linda C. McEwan |
T-513 |
1978 |
Colonial Bird Monitoring in South Florida National Parks. |
Linda C.McEwan, James A. Kushlan and Oron Bass |
T-509 |
1978 |
Feasibility of the Establishment
of a Captive-Breeding Population of the American Crocodile |
John L. Butler |
N/A |
1978 |
Vegetation Map of Taylor Slough, Everglades National Park |
Richard E. Rintz and Lloyd L. Loope |
N/A |
1978 |
The Food Habits and Nesting
Success of Wood Storks in Everglades National Park in 1974 |
John C. Ogden, James A. Kushlan,
and James T. Tilmant |
M-530 |
1978 |
Management Recommendations for
Juvenile Spiny Lobsters, Panulirus argus in Biscayne National Monument,
Florida |
Gary E. Davis |
97-001 |
1977 |
Vegetation of Shark Slough,
Everglades National Park |
Ingrid Olmsted and Thomas V.
Armentano |
75-434 |
1975 |
Relation of Water Level and Fish
Availability to Wood Stork Reproduction in the Southern Everglades, Florida |
James A. Kushlan, John C. Ogden,
and Aaron L. Higer |