This multimedia collection highlights the lives and work of two extraordinary Floridians – Marjory Stoneman Douglas and Marjorie Carr. These two women shared a love of the natural world; an interest in conservation and wildlife protection; and the courage to confront the potent influence of developers, boosters and the Army Corps of Engineers in Florida. Each of these ‘Marjories’ was known for her exceptional intelligence, courage, persistence, and skills in persuasion.

Marjorie Carr is best known for leading the long battle to stop the construction of the Cross Florida Barge Canal, a mammoth, multi-million dollar project traversing central Florida that threatened the area's ecosystem. Marjory Stoneman Douglas, environmental activist and author of the landmark book, Everglades, River of Grass formed a grassroots organization, Friends of the Everglades, to stop an international jetport from being built in the Big Cypress.

The recordings in this collection bring to life the stories, the ideals, and the memories of these two remarkable women. The source of this media are broadcast videos held in the Special Collections Department of the FIU Libraries.