
Everglades Biographies

Bowman Foster Ashe

Bowman Foster Ashe, a native of Scottsdale, Pennsylvania, came to Miami in 1926 to be involved with the foundation of the University of Miami. Dr. Ashe graduated from the University of Pittsburgh and held honorary degrees from the University of Pittsburgh, Stetson University, Florida Southern College and Mount Union College. Dr. Ashe became the first president of the University of Miami and held it together almost single-handedly during the dual hardships of the land boom failure in Florida and the Great Depression. Dr. Ashe led the University for almost 27 years until his death in 1952.

Dr. Ashe was keenly interested in the Everglades as a natural laboratory for the students of his young university. His correspondence with advocates of the proposed national park illustrates the "interlocking importance of the University and Everglades National Park"

Biography prepared by Ruthanne Vogel, University of Miami & Gail Clement, Florida International University

Letter from Ernest Coe to President Bowman Ashe,
April 1932,
University of Miami Presidential papers

It is reasonable to believe that funds will be forthcoming for a strictly modern laboratory calculated to provide ample facilities for biological research in connection with the Everglades National Park, as the area to be included within it will offer a wide range of material for study and advanced research along biological lines. How and where better could these laboratory facilities be planned for and located than as a unit of the general University of Miami development?

Photograph of Dr. Ashe

Photo courtesy of University of Miami Libraries, University Archives


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